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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Punctuation Coming

I obviously don't know how to add a hard line bread in blog form - I will do it asap - Lynette


1. Life is alive At Te Rawhiti: German poet meets Maori princess - A rapid swirl makes me gasp. I am eight And the Hare Krishna on Queen Street hold me entranced in a glory of music, movement, colour, cloth, spirit. Body-soul, Thymos, meets Spirit-soul, Youks: Together, what power they have. 'Eternity is in love with the productions of Time' (said Blake). The sea glisten, blue and cyan. 2. Goddess moment below Cape Reinga Spirits' Bay Chopin and belly dancing at your marriage and ours Kindred spirits celebrate life-breath. Youks breathes into Thymos and the dance is spirit. Thymos animates Youks, gives of its matter, and the spirit dances. 3. The sea glistens, blue and cyan at Te Rawhiti in the dance. copyright Lynette Wrigley-Brown 2011

Today, A Poem

Sunday 27th March, 2011 6pm No time for my great new weekly plan today, as the children are due back already, so suffice to say that on Wednesdays, and occasionally on Sundays, I will write that regular column, often in haste, and I will email the link to a select group that I think might be interested. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the list, and please add anyone you think would be interested. If I get really organised, I will also translate half an hour's worth of my PhD thesis and attach that each week too. Please let me know if you want to be removed from this list! If anyone knows how to get a blog read, other than selling out to random advertising, I'm open to advice. And I mean random as in "I have no control over what is being advertised on my site", not random as in my teenage son's favourite word. So - One of Me Pomes: NUPTIAL 1. Life is alive At Te Rawhiti. German poet meets Maori princess A rapid swirl makes me gasp. I am eight And the Hare Krishna on Queen Street hold me entranced in a glory of music, movement, colour, cloth, spirit. Body-soul, Thymos, meets Spirit-soul, Youks: Together, what power they have.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rising Energy - and Crossed Fingers

Firstly, the crossed fingers: brother-in-law Mitchell Brown is in Japan heading the NZ USAR team, and we hear a group of the NZ USAR guys in a helicopter have been contaminated with radiation. Not sure yet if Mitchell was in that helicopter or not - hope not, and also hope for the guys that were, that it's not the most serious level of contamination and that they get the best care. And of course, hearts out to everyone in Japan, with such huge loss of life: nothing new I can say, but I'm sure most of the world's population is in sympathy with Japan at the moment. Re the rising energy: on a more personal note, a lovely relaxed summer in the sun, full of radiant health had me noticing that yes, a good dose of vitamin D really does seem to improve my asthma and mood; however, with the return to Term I, real work, Things to Be Done, and less sleeping in, I soon succumbed to another chest infection, more asthma, as well as a boil and a couple of mechanical injuries of the foot, knee and back. Gave in and saw the Dr for some nasty antibiotics and prednisone, and filling up the fake-energy pot with paracetamol with caffeine. My thinking is that the fake energy can keep me doing the things I need to in order to develop some real energy - exercise, cooking good meals with vegetables full of nutrients, keeping my mood high enough to keep moving instead of struggling through a torpor of treacle, while sick and even more so in the following week, when there's 150% of work to be done to catch up even to the previous level, and only 42% of even current "normal" levels of energy. Just got a text from Mitchell's wife to say one of their beloved animals has presented them with a newborn baby this morning! Some good news amongst the worry and strain.